Tuesday, September 1, 2020

China Fueled By India's Strategic Edge And Closing Infiltration Routes, No Solution Found In Brigadier Level Talks

India has taken a strategic advantage over China amid tension over the LAC. The agile action of the commandos batters the Indian SFF. We are telling you how the Indian Army has shown strength in the 40 km area. The Chinese Army wanted to advance to the south of Pangong So, but India thwarted it.

The entire area is hilly, and the latest dispute is spread over 40 km area: helmet and flat top hills, which are precisely adjacent to Pagnol-Tso Lake. Here SFF Commandos overturned the game.

The Indian Army not only pushed through the blacktop and helmet hills but also deployed troops on the Hanan post adjacent to Pangong-Tso. Indian soldiers were first patrolling till Hanan-Coast. It is known as patrolling point number 27. It is near the Indian village of Thakung, where tourists used to go until May.

The Indian Army deployed troops at Rechin Pass Pass, China knows it as Rekin. In India, it is known as PP31. The Indian Army moved forward about four kilometers.

The distance from PP 27 to PP 31 is about 40 kilometers, and now the Indian Army is dominating in 40 kilometers. The Chinese Army has reached the highway in the Tibet area, the military camp in Moldo, and the Indian Army till Spungur-Garri and the lake. Moldo also has a Chinese helipad. Because of which it is more irritating to China.

What Happened In The Helmet And Black Top?

Movements of 200–300 soldiers from China were seen carrying soldiers and tents around the hills. Alarmed Indian Army arrived already, Chinese troops had to retreat. If China's move were successful, then it would have come from Pangong-Tso Lake to Chushul Brigade headquarters. From the Hanan Coast, the road to Chushul would also be under the Chinese watch.

Defense Minister Takes High-Level Meeting On China Border Tension

On Tuesday, defense minister Rajnath Singh held a high-level review meeting on the Indo-China border tension. Senior officials of the Army, including Foreign Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar, NSA Ajit Doval, CDS General Bipin Rawat, Army Chief General MM Narwane, and DGMO, were present in this meeting held in the Defense Ministry's Situation Room. According to sources, not only Ladakh but also the entire 4388 km-long Line of Control situation was reviewed in the meeting.

Angry Dragon Said - All Issues Ready To Be Resolved Through Dialogue

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday that the Indo-China border is yet to be restricted, and therefore there will always be problems there. He said that both the countries should implement the agreement between their leadership to prevent differences from turning into conflict. Wang also said that China is ready to resolve all issues with India through dialogue.


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